What is the difference between HP iLO Free version and Advanced Version? Ask Question. Up vote 0 down vote favorite. You've entered an ILO license key, so your. License Key for a 30 day Trial iLO4 = 34T6L-4C9PX-X8D9C-GYD26-8SQWM. 4 HP iLO trial. HP iLO Trial Key.
I have the HP iLO Advanced 3 year warranty that is expiring in 7 months. I wanted to know is it worth staying with the advanced pacakge, or can I do the same exact thing with the free version of iLO.
Please advise. Thanks!
ewwhiteIlo 3 License
2 Answers
This site has a table with the differences: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/servers/ilo/licenses.html
You can't do the same thing with free however its a onetime purchase, warranty is just for support.
Jim BJim BDon't do anything. You've entered an ILO license key, so your server and ILO will continue operating with the ILO Advanced functionality. The warranty is just paper support.
To answer your question, though, the main difference between the ILO Advanced and unlicensed ILO is that the Advanced license can use remote console and remote media functions. That feature is limited in the free edition.