Theta Healing Technique Pdf Printer


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For perhaps the first time in my life, I’m speechless. Yes, me!

I’ve been telling you for months that we had developed a new instant healing technique using the triune brain as a model. I knew it was fast and brilliant. What I didn’t know was how quickly a new Level 1 student could learn it.

Well, for the first time ever, I just taught our new RPT Level 1 and Level 2 courses in Melbourne. Amazing would be an understatement. I feel humbled by what I witnessed. The participants reached a state of grace and power that I have never before experienced in a classroom. They learned the technique quickly on day 1 and were busy doing instant healings in all aspects of their lives by day 2.

As always my policy is “hey, don’t take my word for it. In a world where everyone claims to have the best and fastest, let me SHOW you what we’ve got. Let me GIVE IT AWAY!” You are going to love this video of Amy’s transformation!

Theta Healing Technique Pdf Printer

So here, my dear readers, is an instant healing in action. What I ask you to take from this video is:

  • how little I “do.” Even the words or actions I appear to take are just for the students. This is me, slowed down 100 times. The point is that the transformation is through just Being truly present with another being. Play with the words but don’t mistake them for instructions or commands, I just made them up on the spot.
  • see how powerful the impact of acknowledgment really is.
  • note the significance of the new triune-brain RPT method: acknowledging a thought or feeling had some impact, however acknowledging the deepest tone cleared just about everything instantly.

Theta Healing Technique

I’ve made 2 version of this video, the first (4 minutes) is an example of the new RPT method. I recommend this version so you can see what we do without needing the detail. The second video is a full 16 minutes that shares a lot more of the technique (i.e. it’s a lot more of me talking!).

Four minute power video:

JavaScript required to play Amy demo - short version.

Sixteen minute classroom demo:

JavaScript required to play Amy demo 16 min.

Please feel free to play with this technique. But let me be honest and say that this is 20 minutes edited out of a 2 day beginner course. The video isn’t meant to teach you how to fully find and clear underlying tones, it’s a demonstration of our basic technique. I’m sharing it so you can learn and play, and see how I teach.

In other good news, the whole Level 1 course was filmed and will be available on DVD in about June.

If you like this and want to know more, please join our mailing list using the form below – we don’t email often, but when we do it’s only to give you special offers and the most up to date information.

We have RPT teachers and courses in more than 10 countries. Visit our Level 1 page on our website to find a course near you.

I have lots more information and videos coming in the next few weeks, including demos from our amazing new Level 2 course (quite a different technique from what you see here) and more on the business side of becoming a healing practitioner.

Your comments please

Theta Healing Youtube

A blog is meaningless without your comments. Please take a minute to share your thoughts. Did you enjoy the video? Did you get a result from watching it? do you have questions about the technique? Would you like to see more (or less) video content here? Let me know.



Theta Healing Technique Pdf PrinterEmail Marketing by iContact
April 20, 2010 in Thoughts For the Day
Tagged alternative healing, emotional healing, healing therapy, instant healing, reference point therapy, rpt

Theta Healing Technique Practitioner

  1. It is cool, I wish I could be there I want more information and more article, everyday I am looking at your blog. It is like an addiction thanks for your intuitions, explorations and developments.


  2. Simon,

    Brilliant video, brilliant changes, Amazing healing work. Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m going to send out information about this blog post to my e-mail list. Can’t wait to get my hands on the DVD’s. One of the things I so appreciate about RPT is that it is continually evolving and just keeps getting more powerful, easier and simpler.



  3. Hi Simon,
    It’s great to watch you work. I love that you’re still so excited.
    The simplicity is wonderful. No fuss, no drama, by which I don’t mean in the client’s response but in the use of the technique and in the practitioner’s role. There never was much with RPT but even that is getting less. That means that the client rather than “the work” and the practitioner’s delivery of it is centre stage and that, I feel, is how it should be.
    I also really like the willingness to acknowledge the person’s story as part of the thorough clearing up. Sometimes the healing can be so quick and simple that a person can miss it or feel silly or wonder what just happened or find it difficult to own. Actually voicing and acknowledging the context and the effect it’s had on their lives, particularly in the generous way you just demonstrated, is a powerful thing and often a big part of really letting it go. That’s true for an experienced student or client and probably even more so for the newer client.
    A lovely way to round things off.
    That was a very graceful demo.
    Thank you.
    Sue x

    ps. Reading back, I’ve said more about the story than the development you just showed us. I think that’s because this is evolving so quickly that I kind of expect the miraculous and when it’s there I’m not suprised and it simply slots in. I’m very happy and appreciative though.


  4. WOW Simon!! This was brilliant in so many ways, I love to see you in action or non-action that is. I am so excited to put this to work in my own process with my clients and students-WOOT! Let’s BE it. Go RPT!!!


  5. GOOD, brilliant – we are getting there now. Something that really works rapidly and gracefully. Being in Action


    simonrose Reply:

    Takk min venn

    But on the downside, I’m going to be asking you and Jurgen to re-translate the Norwegian RPT manuals. I have just spent a month re-writing the Level 1 manuals. I think everyone is going to love it except our translators! (beklager)

    (Proof readers will have the manual next week, teachers will have it soon so you can teach this new work to your students ASAP.)



    Jørgen Mæhre Reply:

    This is awesome No worries about the re-translation, we’ll figure something out.

    What’s funny is that I was thinking about how to heal a knee using RPT a few moments before I saw this video. I’m thrilled by how easy the “new” RPT can be incorporated in, say, a physiotherapy session

    Thanks, Simon!


    Peter Reply:

    Hi Simon and Jørgen

    Love the new RPT! I’m planning to give my first workshops soon and need to translate the manuals. Norwegian and Swedish are very similar so maybe we could help each other out with the translations (I lived in Norway for 5 years). Get in touch and we’ll sort something out.



  6. I’m all agog. Really looking forward to reading about the new stuff


  7. Definitely one of the more interesting healing modalities

    But to be honest, I look at RPT like any other modality.
    It works for some of the people some of the time.


    simonrose Reply:

    Hi Tom,
    I respect where you are coming from, though I beg to differ (at least to a point – times are changing).

    >It works for some of the people some of the time.

    There’s a word for this phenomenon (which applies to Western medicine just as much as alternative healing). It’s called the placebo effect. Also known as the sugar pill.

    One of the most life changing moments for me was the realization that all alternative healing therapies (and medicine and surgery) are almost completely based on the placebo effect. This is controversial only because therapists don’t understand the placebo effect. They think it means that what they do doesn’t work. That’s not true, most therapies do work “for some people some of the time” (as you correctly stated). So therapists get all upset when I say that they are a placebo, but of course they are – if they weren’t a placebo it would work close to 100%.

    The ironic realization for me was that even the best established therapies (and this includes chiropracting, naturopathy, osteopathy, all energy medicine, and even mainstream psychology) have a success rate less than 40%. In other words, they work (if you believe in them) but they are less effective than just giving someone a sugar pill. I’m sorry to say that you are better off taking a sugar pill than almost any therapy. We know that sugar pills help up to 30% and sometimes 40% of patients… and the amazing thing is that even knowing it’s a sugar pill doesn’t stop it working. People could save a lot of money just buying placebos… sounds crazy but see this Australian website selling 100% placeboi:

    OK – back to your question and Reference Point Therapy: Obviously when I really understood the placebo effect I had to quit every modality I was associated with and go back to the drawing board till I understood the (a) WHY a placebo actually works and (b) how to work with this to get close to 100% success. We have solved this. I’m going to write about this on this blog in a few weeks. But for now here’s a short article, which was a chapter from our Level 1 manual. You might find it interesting, it’s about how we can know whether a modality or technique is more effective than a placebo:

    It’s not complete or perfect, I am still working on it, but I think you’ll get something from it.

    Can one modality work for everybody?

    To my knowledge there are 2 modalities in the world at this time that can claim a higher success rate than a placebo: Peak States of Consciousness (about reaching enlightenment states), and Reference Point Therapy (partly inspired by Peak States). What sets these 2 apart is that we believe that only 100% is good enough. A technique that helps 90% of people is probably still a placebo (meaning that the client’s beliefs drive the process). To be sure, neither of us can claim 100% yet, but I think we are above 90% and that’s pretty remarkable – more than double the success rate of other therapies.

    The catch is that it’s the practitioner’s state of awareness (we call it “coherence”) that matters, not the client’s beliefs. That’s why it will soon be possible to get a 100% success rate. Whether or not a tool like RPT works for the practitioner is more important than whether it works for the client. This sounds crazy and it’s the reason why we are seeing a real paradigm shift in healing arts. I will be writing more on this effect, and the coherence phenomenon, shortly.

    I thank you for your participation on this blog, you have raised an excellent and complex point. I have about 10 partly-written articles for the blog, and I will bring the placebo one forward because it’s so fundamental for people to know why therapies do (and don’t work) and what we can do to create a technique that works for everyone. I truly believe that this is possible.



  8. Replying to Tom:
    I have been practicing RPT now for about 6 months, having been taught by Simon and Evette last year here in Slovenia. It’s not like other modalities, really. My success rate with clients is so much higher than anything i ever experienced before with other modalities that it is like comparing… say, a ferrari with a (old style, before they were bought by Volkswagen) skoda. Sorry for the car analogy, it’s the first thing that came to mind!
    And I have to say that all the clients who came to me and didn’t heal fully – i’m pretty sure i know why that is. Mostly they just weren’t ready for such a big change in their life.
    To Simon:
    How can we ever be 100% successful if there are always going to be clients for whom the therapy represents too much of a challenge to their belief system; or are not ready to release the old patterns (ie Victim pattern)?
    If the client blocks the process, and holds on to the old program, surely no matter how coherent we are as a practitioner we cannot shift them, because they are creating their own reality.
    Very keen to hear what you think about this because it’s been on my mind lately, having had a few ‘stubborn’ clients like this.


  9. Thank you Simon, I’ve looked at the video and the comments and understand what your sayings about the “coherence”. If (we) as a practioner and (we) are not convinced then that energy will be interupted. Therefore our beinginess, will be depleted so therefore, only 80%-90% healing of client rather than 100%. Like you I know that RPT will be instant for everyone whatever their journey.

    Awaiting the additional information on the blog, especially the placebo effect with wonder and delight

    Monica Wafer


    simonrose Reply:

    Hi Monica, thanks for joining our blog.

    You might be right about coherence, the thing is I don’t recognize or relate to it. You are adding your own perspective – which I love. Perhaps you could even write an article with your own unique take on Beingness and coherence? I have never tried qualifying or quantifying it in those terms.

    Coherence occures where the triune brain and the body’s minds all unite. It means you never says “my head says this but my heart says that,” etc for sexual mind, R-complex, gut feelings, spiritual guidance (clairaudience) etc. They all become one.

    When you have coherence healings are instant because your Beingness is full there. The client’s resistance becomes less important, but, as Ben stated above, you do still need to have an awareness of their resistance and secondary gain.

    If you are not coherent you are not fully in Beingness because there’s isn’t one of you, there are too many “voices”.

    I don’t really understand your comments about depletion of Beingness, perhaps you are saying the same thing as me in different words?



  10. Simon & Evette

    Question, you speak about R complex tones, do you know how many there are? Would I be correct in thinking there really wouldn’t/shouldn’t be many? If you could let us (practioners) all know, then we can then accept them as the very very bottom tone.

    Many thanks



    simonrose Reply:

    Hi Monica

    I *think* that what you are saying is this: “if there’s only a small number of tones, tell us what they are so we can clear them and all be enlightened!”

    If only it was that easy. There may only be 5-10 tones, but clearing them all wouldn’t automatically clear every single issue you have.

    Essentially a whole range of symptoms are kept in place by 1-3 tones. EG all these diseases may be held by aloneness/helplessness/duality. Clearing those 3 clears a lot of problems. But the next time the client goes for a session they may clear heaps of others issues by acknowledging the tones nothingness/aloneness/helplessness. It’s a different set of tones holding different symptoms in place.

    A limitation of the current (2010) technique is that the tones must be interpreted in context – in the context of their symptoms. It’s still the fastest technique I’ve ever heard of but you know what, we have room for improvement.



  11. Hello Simon and Evette

    Looks very powerful. Can’t wait to learn it. I have taken level 1 and 2 last October and planning to take level 3 and teacher training. Would I need to re-take level 1 and 2 again to make sense out of level 3? would viewing these on DVD only be adequate to go onto level 3? I live in a small town and need to pay for flights and hotels to go to the nearest courses. Could these courses be taught by tele-conferencing for graduates???

    Thank You both for your original work. You both are a Huge Blessing to Our Planet.



    simonrose Reply:

    hi Mariah! Thanks for visiting our blog.
    I will be emailing all RPT graduates within a week or so with links to free online videos of the new Level 1 course. That way you can update from home for free.
    The DVDs of the new Level 1 & 2 will be included in the cost of the teacher training, so when you pay the deposit you will get that too, for the full updates.
    Repeating the course as an assistant is good for your own training but not necessary as a pre-requisite.



  12. Hi Simon
    I’ve just watched the video and LOVE the new technique. Really looking forward to the online videos. Will existing practitioners get any other training in the updated versions or are the new DVDs intended to serve that purpose?
    Am still having problems with the following:
    - finding hard to know what being my Beingness is, how it feels etc. How do I know I’ve ‘got it’?
    - uncertain of how we define core tones – is there a simple way of knowing when we’ve hit the bottom line so to speak?
    Or are these questions better asked on the forum?

    With love to you both & many thanks for all you are giving



    simonrose Reply:

    hi Dawn
    thanks for your excellent questions.

    Did you get the email we sent to all RPT graduates last week? We will be releasing about an hour or so of video footage from the new DVD free to all graduates as a free upgrade pack. It’s the most important bit about acknowledgment and the triune brain method. We have uploaded it to our teacher site so that right now all the teachers are getting upgraded (they also get monthly coaching calls from me in which we’ve been covering this). The next step will be adding the videos to the RPT forum, so if you want the free updates make sure you are a member of the practitioner forum at You should also link to our facebook site (see the link top right of this page) for updates on availability of free videos etc.

    You also asked about Beingness. I hadn’t planned on adding videos about that since that aspect of the course hasn’t changed much. I suggest that you leave a post on the forum explaining your question and one of us will help you with it. Or contact a teacher near you.



  13. I mentioned this briefly to Simon in an email.

    I worked for many years in media with high profile people and high achievers of all walks of life within Australia, and also with many high profile international people.

    Many of these high achievers operated and lived from this continuous peak states consciousness(and this consciousness eminated out, through to the whole team)

    I also have a friend who is a homicide detective who Ive noticed operates from this space of consciousness.

    And because I reconized this consciousness, when I travelled India I saw children in India in this continuous peak states consciousness.

    All of these people Ive noticed do two things: they ‘acknowledge’, and, do this from a higher vibrational place. I found once I knew what it looked like, and also knew what it felt like from experiencing being in the energy of it a lot, and then experiencing it through healing with Simon’s work, and understand what it is, I’m finding I notice those that are operating from this space more and more.

    So when I watched Simon’s April video, I jumped up in the air and said YES thats it!! That’s what my homicide detective friend does. He acknowledges ‘their’ story from a certain vibrational space. And those Ive worked with who are high achievers do the same.

    Simon great work!! Well done (-: And looking foward to more of the ever evolving journey!!



  14. Kate, I love this. You’re so right. I’ve always noticed that there are people I think of as the “shining ones”. They can be anywhere. Certainly, some celebs have the quality as do some teachers in our field (met a couple recently) but there are people everywhere who fall into this category. I notice it in children as I work with them in school, they’re in shops and on buses. They just have something. I concluded at some point that they simply have a higher vibration than most but you’ve just given me a new insight. It is also acknowledgement.
    Thank you. I imagine you’re pretty shiny yourself.
    Sue x


  15. Great video. And the process becomes clearer with every bit of detail revealed. Now, please do that on my back!


    simonrose Reply:

    OK Amy, come to class?


  16. I am amazed by this Holey Moley! I’ve taken Level 1 & 2 and things just keep changing and growing with RPT! Great work and I look forward to being able to work on my clients and quickly as you do.




    simonrose Reply:

    Of course, anything I can do you can do quicker and easier. (after all I just slow it down 100 times for the benefit of students. It was a level 1 demo after all)
    Just remember it’s not the technique that does the healing, it’s you. You don’t need to worry about more techniques and courses, focus on your self. Focus on coherence – being a coherent and integrated Being. All yourself to “Be the Source” of the instant healing. You will see miracles like this every day. (I don’t even think of them as miracles, I’m a skeptic after all. Think of it as just how things are meant to Be.)


  17. Hey Simon!

    I have been testing the new and simplied RPT based on watching this video. Sometimes the core tones that created an issue or emotion want love in order to fully shift so I just send them my love and allow them to transform into love and then I watch that love flow back to me through all the ancestors/generations and it works likes a charm! I am wondering when I clear it like this, does the issue/block go away permanently?

    Thank you.

    Thank you.


    Aristia Reply:

    P.S. What is a core tone of an issue? Is it an energy that holds the issue together that exist before the trauma? Please explain.. Thank you, Simon


    simonrose Reply:

    hi again,
    this is a work in progress as we evolve our understanding. Understand that I teach an entire workshop on this, so I’m trying to compress it to a paragraph: A tone is an association we make in the R-complex between an instinct (like aloneness or helplessness) and our mechanism for survival. The R-complex is devoted to our safety and survival (and ability to pass on our genes). In reaction to a vibration like “under attack” we can either live or die. If we die we don’t pass on the genes. If we live, we may pass on the association between survival and being under attack. People who inherited this association live their life attracting abuse because, unconsciously they associate survival with attack. No matter how many negative beliefs they pull or how many personal development workshops they attend, the abuse wont really end until they clear the association in the R-complex. Clearing it is as simple as becoming aware of its origins.

    This is very simplistic, but will help you to make sure that what you are acknowledging is the origial association.



    simonrose Reply:

    hi Aristia
    I honor you for exploring with this work and going your own way with it. There is no “right” and “wrong.”

    That said – and to me this is important – you are not doing Reference Point Therapy. I’m no saying you are doing anything wrong, but what you are doing is some sort of eclectic blend of spiritual healing and the triune brain model (which is an established psychological theory). There’s nothing wrong with that, only it strikes me as being quite slow. Still, if you get results, that’s awesome!

    To be clear, RPT is about Beingness. “Sending love” is a bit of a New Age tradition, common to spiritual and energy healing techniques. From my viewpoint it’s an older generation of healing by “doing.” It takes energy and effort, it takes time, it can drain you. There’s nothing “wrong” about this, I’m just stating “what’s so.”

    You asked whether this will work permanently? I don’t now because I don’t work that way. My gut says that (a) if you are really surely getting to the origin and (b) if you are really surely clearing it at the origin, then yes it should be permanent. But since you are using a different technique than me, I can’t really tell you if you are clearing the origin. Maybe yes, maybe no… (again, I don’t mean to sound negative at all, I am just making a distinction so that none of my readers make any confusion about RPT and sending love. Two lovely techniques, but very different.)

    In RPT we acknowledge the origin, from a place of compassion but you could almost say with detachment. There is no need for an energy exchange. We don’t need to send love/energy to the client or the problem because we know that there is no other – nothing outside of the self to send love/energy to. Pure acknowledgment is just a point of awareness, bringing consciousness into a situation. There’s no “doing,” no “channelling,” no “sending love.” It’s a new generation and evolution of therapy. If you go back to the origin of this blog (back to last year) there are a few articles on Acknowledgment that might help. See the table of contents post from last month to help find them.

    I hope this helps. Have a play with it!



  18. Hi Simon & Evette Watching the vidio on the impact you had on the young Ladys life reminded me just the level of impact you han on my life last year. I commend both of you with the work you are doing with other People. looking forward to getting back in touch again with you both. L ove and best wishes from John.


    simonrose Reply:

    John, thanks for your kind words. We hope your business has been a huge success since our work last year! Can you visit our free healing clinic this week in Elwood? Hope to see you again.
    Simon & Evette


  19. Greetings,RPT has just recently been brought to my awareness therefore am still in the process of acquiring knowledge, as well as learning the differences compared to Theta Healing of which I am more familiar.Just one little comment: After reading the pdf file on Placebo Effect, would it not be more accurate to state that it is not simply the delivery mechanism but rather the interaction of the deliverer + delivery mechanism + recipient that is responsible for a change to occur (or for a placebo effect to exist)? It would seem if there is a deficiency in any of those three components, the resultant effect would be less than satisfactory.Just one my thoughts on this interesting topic.Thank you for your time,Murray[]


    Simon Rose Reply:

    hi Murray, yes your comment is quite a good summary of the effect.
    Kind regards


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